
Quality assurance and quality management have always been central components in the daily activities of VTG GmbH and thus create the basis for continuous improvement. The foundation of the process-oriented quality management system, which fulfills all requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015, is customer orientation. This ensures that all business processes with an impact on quality are consistently planned, controlled and monitored.

Optimal adaptability and flexibility are required to be able to meet rapidly changing market requirements. Our quality management system is therefore dynamic and subject to continuous improvement.

Our employees know that it is crucial that they observe their workenvironment constructively and critically, find opportunities for improvement and implement new solutions.

We have laid down our processes, named the responsible persons and can prove that we learn from mistakes. And so we can always improve in terms of service quality and customer focus.

We guarantee that our quality management system complies with international standards and has therefore had it checked externally.

Our employees have the following additional quilifications

pdficon Bauwerksprüfung nach DIN 1076
pdficon RSA95, ZTV-SA, MVAS 99
pdficon SiGeKo RAB 30, Anlage B nach BaustellV
pdficon SiGeKo RAB 30, Anlage C nach BaustellV

pdficon Bestätigung zur Ausbildungsstätte